Jessica Pieterse

Registered Clinical Dietitian

Jessica has a Bachelor of Dietetics (Honours) from the University of Pretoria. She is the owner of Dish Up Dietitians, Pieterse and Associates. She has over 10 years experience as a dietitian.

She has a special interest in women’s health, nutrigenomics (DNA testing), functional nutrition, weight loss, and gut disorders.

Jessica is passionate about showing people that healthy eating can be simple, tasty and easy. No fancy or strange food is needed to be healthier.

Jessica takes a balanced and moderate approach to nutrition and does not advocate any extreme eating behaviours. She will guide you to be the best version of yourself in a gentle, nurturing manner.

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Jessica is registered with the HPCSA (Health Professions Council of South Africa) and is a DNAlysis accredited practitioner who is skilled in interpreting nutritional genetics. Jessica is Optifast accredited to assist with weight loss patients. Jessica has experience in corporate, private practice consulting and industry work. She has worked at the Discovery Exec Wellness Centre consulting with company CEO and directors. She has written for Longevity magazine and was part of the expert panel for Health24. Jessica served on the Association for Dietetics in South Africa (ADSA) Gauteng South Committee as chair and CPD portfolio manager for 4 years. Jessica has previously worked at Netcare Linksfeild, Linmed and New Kensingston Rehab hospitals as a locum dietitian, in the ICU, medical and surgical wards.

Jessica consults from Willow Worx Health Edenvale Centre.
Jessica is married with two children. She loves spending time with loved ones, trying new recipes, hiking and reading a good book.

Special Interests


Many women don’t realise that they can improve their irregular periods, painful cramps, tender breasts,
awful PMS, unusual hair growth, hair loss and more with diet and lifestyle. It is not normal to have these areas out of sync, as women have been led to believe in the past.
I am passionate about helping women improve their health by understanding how their hormones work.
Hormones are all linked. Assessing oestrogen, testosterone, cortisol, insulin and thyroid hormones
provides a detailed picture on how to fix the root cause of the problem.
Besides the above-mentioned, I am enthusiastic about addressing endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), infertility, menopause, and reducing the risk of female health cancers.
I use several tools to guide me, such as genetic tests, blood tests and the DUTCH test.

functional nutrition

This is a unique approach to health care. Functional nutrition, also called integrative medicine, looks at how cells work in your body. When you start at this cellular level, you improve health from the root. This approach often provides patients with improved health and relief of symptoms they have not managed yet with conventional medical treatment. Think of functional nutrition like this: finding out why you keep getting cuts on your hand so you can stop them, compared to the traditional approach that keeps giving you a plaster for your cuts.
The functional nutrition approach can be applied to all areas of health such as heart health, weight,
inflammation and more.
I have completed several additional studies to become an expert in this field such as Functional Nutrigenomics and Manuka.

gut health

A gut that doesn’t function optimally is not only due to obvious conditions such as constipation, diarrhoea or IBS. Your gut is a massively integral part of your overall health. An unhealthy gut will affect how regularly you get sick, your mental health, your weight and more.
I am passionate about helping you resolve your gut issues and by looking at holistic health and systems, also improve other areas of your health you didn’t know were connected.

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Visit me at

Willow Worx Edenvale Health Centre,
11 Linksfield Rd,

Get in touch with me for more information and to book a consultation

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